Case Studies

Revolutionizing Enrollment Success

Maximizing Warm Transfer Services for a Sacramento Career College Over a 1 Year Period

In the competitive landscape of higher education, enrollment rates stand as a pivotal metric for success. Impressionable, a leading innovator in targeted lead generation and warm transfer services, collaborated with a Sacramento career college to optimize their enrollment strategy. Faced with the challenge of enhancing student enrollments, Impressionable's specialized contact center, proficient in catering to the unique needs of career colleges, deployed a meticulous approach to generate and vet high-quality leads. Notably, the leads we meticulously curated and transferred to the school showed a high propensity for enrollment, with an impressive 18% of these leads successfully enrolling in their programs. This significant achievement in conversion rate highlights the impact of Impressionable's strategic expertise in lead generation and the efficacy of our seamless warm transfer process, revolutionizing the college's student admissions process.


Warm Transfers


Interview Rate


Application Rate


Enrollment Rate


The career college faced a significant issue: their reps were dealing with an overwhelming number of leads that hadn’t been properly checked or filtered. This meant they were spending a lot of time and energy on leads that weren’t genuinely interested in the college’s programs. These unqualified leads were like a floodgate, making it hard for the reps to focus on the prospects who were actually likely to enroll. Consequently, this inefficiency slowed down the enrollment process, adversely affecting the college’s overall enrollment rates and inflating the cost per enrollment. There was a clear need for a solution to streamline this process and ensure reps could concentrate on engaging with the right prospects.


The primary objective for the career college was to revolutionize its enrollment process by implementing a targeted and efficient lead generation system. The specific goals set out to address the challenges faced included:
Refining Lead Qualification: Establishing a robust lead qualification process to ensure that only genuinely interested and potential enrollees were passed on to the school representatives for engagement.

  • Optimizing Resource Allocation: Streamlining the allocation of the enrollment team’s time and efforts towards high-quality, qualified leads, thereby maximizing their productivity and effectiveness.
  • Improving Conversion Rates: Increasing the likelihood of conversion by focusing on engaging with individuals who showed genuine interest and readiness to enroll in the college’s programs.
  • Boosting Overall Enrollment Figures: By redirecting focus to qualified prospects, we significantly improved enrollment rates, effectively reducing the average cost per enrolled student. This strategic approach positively influenced the college’s bottom line and success metrics.
  • Enhancing Student Experience: Ensuring a more personalized and focused engagement with potential students, thereby enriching their experience with the college from the very first interaction.
  • These goals collectively aimed to overhaul the college’s enrollment strategy, transforming it from an indiscriminate lead approach to a targeted and efficient system that prioritized quality interactions and conversions. The ultimate aim was to not just increase enrollment numbers but also to create a more streamlined and satisfying experience for prospective students.


  • Efficient Lead Vetting and Immediate Transfers: Our specialized contact center, proficient in career college lead generation, implemented a personalized qualification process. Through meticulous vetting of leads from reliable marketing sources, we ensured that only high-quality and genuinely interested prospects were swiftly transferred to the school’s representatives. The speed-to-lead was paramount, and our system ensured immediate transfers with zero delays.
  • Swift Engagement and Transfer by School Representatives: Our commitment to prompt action was mirrored by the school’s representatives, who quickly engaged with the vetted leads. This quick response not only amplified the speed-to-lead but also showcased the effectiveness of our seamless transfer system, ensuring a frictionless handover from our contact center to the school’s representative team.
  • Remarkable Enrollment and Interview Rates: The impact of this streamlined process was profound. From a singular, refined lead generation source, the career college witnessed an impressive 18% enrollment rate over the year. Additionally, the quality engagements led to a 70% interview rate, demonstrating the efficacy of engaging with well-vetted prospects genuinely interested in enrollment.
  • Optimized Enrollment Workflow: By focusing on quality leads and immediate transfers, the enrollment workflow experienced a remarkable transformation. The system not only boosted enrollment rates but also streamlined the process, allowing representatives to concentrate efforts on nurturing genuine prospects rather than sifting through uninterested inquiries.
  • Enhanced Student Onboarding Experience: The expedited and focused engagement with prospects resulted in a more positive and tailored experience for potential students right from the outset. This personalized approach laid the foundation for a smoother onboarding process, fostering a strong connection between the college and its prospective students.

In summary, our contact center’s expertise in lead vetting and immediate transfers, coupled with the school representatives’ swift engagement, resulted in a notable 18% enrollment rate and an impressive 70% interview rate over the year. This collaboration not only optimized the enrollment workflow but also elevated the overall quality of interactions, setting the stage for a more successful and efficient enrollment process for the career college.

Call Recordings

Real Conversations, Real Success: Listen to and Explore Our Warm Transfer Techniques in Action.